Travel manager in back of a car with Prism by Addison Lee on his laptop
29th January 2024

How to Communicate an Effective Transport Policy to your Teams

As corporate travel managers know, a poorly communicated transport policy can pose significant risks to a team’s safety, efficiency, and overall travel experience. But with so many aspects to focus on and organise and the need for policies to be adapted regularly, how can travel managers effectively communicate policies to their teams?

Highlight the Risks of breaking policy

The first step to improving policy communication is to make everyone aware of what’s at stake. Not taking the time to read through a policy or ignoring a revision can have serious safety implications and create flow-on effects that can negatively affect the whole company.

Making these risks known is step one in communicating policy effectively. It will motivate your team to stay on top of any policy changes.

Get traction by outlining the benefits

Similarly, outlining the benefits of a given policy will help get your team’s buy-in. If they can understand why you’re making a policy decision and how it will positively impact them, they will pay attention to what the policy entails. Benefits could include improved services, enhanced duty-of-care, or lower carbon emissions.

Read: Best ground travel software for travel managers

Create policies in partnership with the people who use them

The people most involved in your travel policies should help form the policy itself. They will know best which aspects of a policy are hard to follow and which are not. A collaborative approach will ensure that your policies are comprehensive, realistic, and aligned with all parties’ needs.

Keep things simple with a centralised platform

Convoluted travel policies cannot cut through the noise to engage your team. Engaging multiple suppliers under one centralised platform will keep things organised and easy to follow for you and your team. Selecting a travel management software like PRISM allows you to house suppliers, create policies, and track operations on one platform. It’s the perfect way to streamline.

Read: How to choose a ground travel company 

Effective communication starts with straightforward policies

As a corporate travel manager, your key priority is to get your team where they need to be safely and efficiently. Confusing this process with multiple systems, approval processes, and numerous suppliers will only make communicating policies harder.

By engaging the right tools and effectively communicating the advantages of the policy, businesses can ensure both employee satisfaction and policy adoption.

Learn more about PRISM here.

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